
Notre clinique de Morges – Saint-Louis déménage le 2 mai à Morges – Gare : Rue Centrale 27, 1110 Morges

Semi-direct composite onlay with cavity sealing: a review of clinical procedures.




The evolution in adhesive dentistry has broadened the indication of esthetic restorative procedures especially with the use of resin composite material. Depending on the clinical situation, some restorative techniques are best indicated. As an example, indirect adhesive restorations offer many advantages over direct techniques in extended cavities. In general, the indirect technique requires two appointments and a laboratory involvement, or it can be prepared chairside in a single visit either conventionally or by the use of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing systems. In both cases, there will be an extra cost as well as the need of specific materials. This paper describes the clinical procedures for the chairside semidirect technique for composite onlay fabrication without the use of special equipments. The use of this technique combines the advantages of the direct and the indirect restoration.

Clinical significance: The semidirect technique for composite onlays offers the advantages of an indirect restoration and low cost, and can be the ideal treatment option for extended cavities in case of financial limitations.



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