
Notre clinique de Morges – Saint-Louis déménage le 2 mai à Morges – Gare : Rue Centrale 27, 1110 Morges

Placement of tapered implants using osteotome sinus floor elevation technique without bone grafting: 1-year results.


Purpose: Achieving implant primary stability in poor-density bone is difficult when the available  bone height is less than 6 mm. This study assesses the 1-year clinical performance of tapered  implants in sites of reduced height in combination with osteotome sinus floor elevation  without bone grafting material.

Materials and Methods: An osteotome sinus floor elevation  procedure without grafting mate- rial was performed in the atrophic posterior maxilla. Tapered  implants were placed in maxillary sites with residual bone height of 1 to 6 mm. Implant  primary stability was assessed by finger pressure exerted on the implant. Bone gain in the  elevated sinus and crestal bone loss were evaluated at 1 year via radiographs.

Results: Fifty-four  tapered implants were placed in 32 patients and were loaded after a mean of 4.2 ± 1.6 months. The mean maxillary residual bone height was 3.8 ± 1.2 mm. All implants achieved primary stability, and all were successfully loaded. At the 1-year radiographic control, the mean bone gain within the sinus was 2.5 ± 1.7 mm and the mean crestal bone loss was 0.2 ± 0.8 mm.

Conclusions: In the atrophic posterior maxilla, primary stability can readily be achieved with tapered implants, even when the mean residual bone height is 3.8 mm. Despite limited bone support and lack of grafting material, all loaded implants were clinically stable, and crestal bone loss was limited. A net bone gain of 2.3 ± 1.8 mm was observed. Survival and success rates were 100% and94.4%, respec-tively. Elevation of the sinus membrane without the addition of bone grafting material led to bone for- mation beyond the original limit of the sinus floor. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:727–733

Keywords: atrophic posterior maxilla, crestal bone loss, dental implants, grafting material, osteotome, sinus lift, tapered implants


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